Why do bees dream?
Bees dream at night, much like humans do.
They wake with the first rays of sunlight.
Unlike humans, bees don’t experience REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
Yet, their sleep length and quality deeply impact their abilities.
Well-rested bees navigate better and recall specific flower colors and scents.
Dreams help bees store important memories.
These memories guide them back to flowers rich in nectar.
Purple and pink flowers play a unique role for bees.
Flowers like valerian can calm anxiety and improve sleep cycles.
Elder gatherer bees often seek these flowers near dusk.
They may fly up to 3,000 meters to collect their nectar.
This behavior suggests bees use sleep to prepare for their tasks.
Their dreams may replay their paths, ensuring a successful return.
Humans have similar routines to enhance sleep and memory.
What habits help you dream at night?
Does a good night’s sleep sharpen your memory for names or tasks?
Sleep connects us all, bees and humans alike.